We got to go into a back room (the staff room?) and there was a square arrangement of sofas - and Sarah Dessen! (I don't have any photos from inside, but there's one on Sarah's blog. You can see part of my leg & my black bag on the left side :)
Sarah was really awesome and super nice and down to earth and genuine. I'll admit, I was a little starstruck. (Or as M. phrased it, "I wasn't sure if you were still breathing.") Then we got adorable lock & key necklaces from Penguin (Thanks Penguin!) and a hardcover copy of either Along for the Ride or What Happened to Goodbye and we lined up to get books signed.
Next, we all went back out into the general seating area, where Dana Krook from Faze magazine interviewed Sarah. And as it turned out, Audrey from Holes In My Brain was sitting behind me, & lo and behold, we go to the same school (and live basically across the street from each other). I was even one of the Frosh Leaders who'd been assigned to help the Frosh move into her residence building! Crazy small world ;)
Sarah was really awesome and super nice and down to earth and genuine. I'll admit, I was a little starstruck. (Or as M. phrased it, "I wasn't sure if you were still breathing.") Then we got adorable lock & key necklaces from Penguin (Thanks Penguin!) and a hardcover copy of either Along for the Ride or What Happened to Goodbye and we lined up to get books signed.
Listening to Sarah speak was kind of surreal and really awesome and entertaining and inspirational, all at the same time. Dana did a great job asking lots of interesting questions. And after the official "interview" was done, the audience members got to ask some questions as well.

After all that was done, people lined up for book signings. Over all, it was a really cool experience and it was super awesome getting to meet Sarah Dessen!
*Photos of signed books & necklace to come in the next IMM post.