Saturday, February 28, 2009

Same Stock Photo?

Is it just me, or is it the same stock photo on both of these covers? By golly, I've must've seen both of these covers individually so many times, but I just noticed a few minutes ago that they're the same. Pretty exciting, to discover a "lookalike", especially ones that were released so close together. Either way, both covers look original and super intriguing.

Justina Chen Headley's North of Beautiful seems to have received pretty good feedback, so I'm definitely looking forward to checking it out sometime.

On the other hand, I'm currently in the process of reading Alyson Noel's Evermore. I just got a copy in the mail a Thursday night from Steph Su (contest), which was really exciting. Unfortunately I was in the midst of huge unit tests/camping (i.o.w. no internet) but things have slowed down a bit so hopefully I'll be able to get through it this weekend. I'll keep you updated ;)

And as it's not a Leap Year, today's the last day of February already - wow! Two months into 2009 already; what have you accomplished so far?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Amanda Hosts: Zombie Blog Party

In honour of the upcoming release of Zombie Queen of Newbury High, Amanda Ashby will be hosting a series of fun events to celebrate over at her blog over the next few days. Hop on over and join the festivities!

In other news, I got my hair cut and dyed recently. =)

The Kevlar Moustache has officially crested 15K - pretty exciting! Although I still can't help but feel as though I'm still way behind schedule. And the working title's been "changed", although to what exactly will remain a mystery for now ;)

Also, we finally got cable installed the other day. MuchMusic, MTV, YTV, CBC, CTV, etc. oh how I hath missed thee! Unfortunately I've been exceptionally busy and haven't had much time for the telly-fision, as some would say. Has anyone else noticed the explosive amount of reality TV shows on these days?

YA Book Realm's The September Sisters

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love Day

Happy Valentine's Day
SAD (Singles Awareness Day)

But February Fourteenth is something more than just a commercial holiday. It's a day of expressing love and affection. (& this year, it came after a "Friday the 13th") Teenage emotions can be somewhat of a roller coaster ride at times; today is one of the worst days, especially for those dealing with depression, and the consequences of this, such as self-harm, etc.

TWLOHA (To Write Love On Her Arms) - Check it out if you don't know yet what it is. Depression is a topic that's very close to me personally. So today - although you should do this all the time, but especially today - let someone you love know how you feel. It doesn't take very much time or effort; just let them know that you're there, that you care. It could make a huge difference.

Now get out there and start sharing the love.

On another note, I'm going watch Slumdog Millionaire tonight. Has anyone else seen it yet? What did you think of it?

Matt Nathanson's Come On, Get Higher is presently stuck in my head.

Laina's Across the Pond
`MacLean Space's The Season
`100K Celebration Giveaway from Random House

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Interview: Jennifer Banash; Update

Jennifer Banash is author of The Elite series:

Where do your ideas for writing come from?
Many of my ideas for my novels come directly from my own experience, but, more often than not, I'l become intrigued by something I see in a magazine, or newspaper article, and the story will just take off from there.

How do you deal with a lack of inspiration (i.e. the muse has gone on vacation)?
Sometimes it feels like the muse is taking a permanent leave of absence! What i get serious writers block, I stop trying to force myself to think of ideas, or write entirely. Instead I read a lot, watch movies, and try to take the pressure off of myself any way I can. I find that when I finally relax, the ideas come flooding back.

What advice would you give to other young aspiring writers?
The same advice everyone else seems to give in interviews--just write. A lot. And don't let anyone discourage you.

If a career in writing nor teaching was possible, what would you choose instead?
If I couldn't write novels or teach, I'd love to work in film as a director or cinematographer. My first love was photography, and I am a serious movie buff.

Name three things you couldn't live without?
My boyfriend, my dog, and chocolate :)

Who is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration is Julia Child, oddly enough. She didn't even really learn to cook until she was 36, and managed to make an admirable career for herself late in life. I've always been kind of a late bloomer, so I really relate to her story.

Ice cream or popsicles?
Are you kidding? Ice cream!


Twist Tie recently won First Place in Catsagecat's Respect Models Week Contest (on dA) in the New Models category. There weren't that many entries, so it's not really that big a deal, but it was still quite exciting! :)

Natalie Imbruglia's Torn is presently stuck in my head. It's lovely.

`Book Binge's Kill for Me, by Karen Rose
`Shooting Stars Mag's Shrinking Violet
`The Shady Glade's My Life in Pink & Green
`Shhh I'm Reading's Winner's Choice ARC Giveaway
`S. Krishna's Books' Mistress Shakespeare
`Mrs. Magoo's Four Fab Novels

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Interview: Nora Baskin; Contests

Nora Raleigh Baskin is a multiple award winning novelist, author of brilliant books such as What Every Girl (except me) Knows, The Truth About my Bat Mitzvah, All We Know of Love, and many others. WEG(em)K is a book that I read about five years ago, but it's stuck with me all this time, a memorable read. Check it out sometime! Recently, I asked her a series of questions and had the fortune of having them answered.

Where do your ideas for writing come from?
All my ideas, for the most part, come from my own life experiences..(in particular my first two novels..they are pretty much auto-biographical)but all my stories are parts of me...I make up very little, to be honest. Even my latest YA novel (ALL WE KNOW OF LOVE) although it has nothing to do with my real life in character or more true to my "story" in more symbolic and hidden ways.

Do you find certain characters harder to write than others?
No..I use memories of people I know..or myself. I can't say I find any one character harder than another.

What do you do when inspiration is lacking (i.e. the muse has gone on vacation)?
I eat. Or read a lot. I don't force myself to write. (although right now I have a deadline..and it's pretty hard)

What advice would you give to other young aspiring writers?
Read. A lot. Write as authentically and honestly as you can. Don't try to please anyone..don't. Write what is in your heart. Write what you like to read.

Words of wisdom - give a quote you live by?
Funny...I have a ton of those, unfortunately. They are so simple and silly. But one I've been taking to heart lately comes from Beverly Sills, an opera singer who recently died..and although I had no attachment to her or her work I was taken by this quote I heard attributed to her. "I'd rather look back on my life and regret the things I did, than look back and regret the things I didn't do."I just love that!

Do you plan out all your novels in great detail first, or let the characters lead you where they may?
I never plan out..I never know where I am going or how I am going to get there..But I do have an idea of the ending feeling I want to achieve, if that makes sense.

What do you think is the most rewarding aspect of writing for Young Adults?
Meeting young readers. Having readers who are real and not full of know what. Readers who are honest. So when you reach someone you know it's meaningful. That's everything.

`bookluvr-carol's Something, Maybe
`Yan's the abc's of kissing boys, What Would Emma Do?, Getting the Girl, and Saving Juliet
`Carrie's Supernatural Prize Pack
`For the Love of Books' Wintergirls
`Sharon's The Strand Birthday Contest
`Steph Su's Love for February
`The Shady Glade's Contest Monday: Lament
`Em's Winter Book Giveaway
`Lauren's Golden Girl
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