Is it just me, or is it the same stock photo on both of these covers? By golly, I've must've seen both of these covers individually so many times, but I just noticed a few minutes ago that they're the same. Pretty exciting, to discover a "lookalike", especially ones that were released so close together. Either way, both covers look original and super intriguing.
Justina Chen Headley's North of Beautiful seems to have received pretty good feedback, so I'm definitely looking forward to checking it out sometime.
On the other hand, I'm currently in the process of reading Alyson Noel's Evermore. I just got a copy in the mail a Thursday night from Steph Su (contest), which was really exciting. Unfortunately I was in the midst of huge unit tests/camping (i.o.w. no internet) but things have slowed down a bit so hopefully I'll be able to get through it this weekend. I'll keep you updated ;)
And as it's not a Leap Year, today's the last day of February already - wow! Two months into 2009 already; what have you accomplished so far?