The Received
For review
Alexis thought she led a typically dysfunctional high school existence. Dysfunctional like her parents' marriage; her doll-crazy twelve-year-old sister, Kasey; and even her own anti-social, anti-cheerleader attitude.
When a family fight results in some tearful sisterly bonding, Alexis realizes that her life is creeping from dysfunction into danger. Kasey is acting stranger than ever: her blue eyes go green sometimes; she uses old-fashioned language; and she even loses track of chunks of time, claiming to know nothing about her strange behavior. Their old house is changing, too. Doors open and close by themselves; water boils on the unlit stove; and an unplugged air conditioner turns the house cold enough to see their breath in.
Alexis wants to think that it's all in her head, but soon, what she liked to think of as silly parlor tricks are becoming life-threatening--to her, her family, and to her budding relationship with the class president. Alexis knows she's the only person who can stop Kasey -- but what if that green-eyed girl isn't even Kasey anymore?
*ARC - Release Date: April 21, 2009 - Hyperion
The Bought
Pretty self-explanatory - I'm sure most of you have already heard about this.
Well, I finally broke down and bought this. I'm glad I did; even the HB price was definitely worth it. Really looking forward to the sequel.
Pseudo-review here.
The Chyrsalids is set in the future after a devastating global nuclear war. David, the young hero of the novel, lives in a tight-knit community of religious and genetic fundamentalists, always on the alert for any deviation from the norm of God’s creation. Abnormal plants are publicly burned, with much singing of hymns. Abnormal humans (who are not really human) are also condemned to destruction—unless they succeed in fleeing to the Fringes, that Wild Country where, as the authorities say, nothing is reliable and the devil does his work. David grows up ringed by admonitions: KEEP PURE THE STOCK OF THE LORD; WATCH THOU FOR THE MUTANT.
At first he does not question. Then, however, he realizes that the he too is out of the ordinary, in possession of a power that could doom him to death or introduce h im to a new, hitherto unimagined world of freedom.
Anthem - Ayn Rand
Rand's protagonist, Equality 7-2521, describes a surreal world of faceless, nameless drones who "exist through, by and for our brothers who are the State. Amen." Alone, this daring young man defies the will of the ruling councils and discovers the forbidden freedoms that prevailed during the Unmentionable Times. In other words, he finds and celebrates the power of the self. In doing so, he becomes the prototypical Rand hero—a bold risk-taker who shuns conformity and unabashedly embraces egoism.
What did you haul in this week?
Happy Easter!! Ohh The Hunger games is awesome. My favorite read last year, it stays with you long after you read it :)
Ooo Bad Girls Don't Die looks great! I have been lusting over it for a while now. Even the cover is awesome. Can't wait to read your review!
I still need to buy Hunger games too. My parents don't think buying me books is a good investment though:-( Catching fire needs to come out soon!!!!
The Hunger Games looks sooo good. I hope you enjoy it!
I loved The Hunger Games and Anthem!!
The Chrysalids looks good, hadn't seen it before.
RR - Happy Easter! The Hunger Games is amazing - it's definitely my favourite book so far thsi year :)
Cat - It does, doesn't it? Especially with all those photography references :) Hopefully it'll be up soon.
Amy - This is a VERY WORTHY investment :)
Callie - I've already finished & reviewed it :) I enjoyed it very much!
Robin_titan - Agreed! The Chrysalids is pretty old too, came out a few decades ago I believe... probably why you haven't seen it before ;)
I loved The Hunger Games!
Ooooh, sounds like a creepy ghost may be involved in Bad Girls Don't Die. Reminds me of another ghost story, Jane-Emily by Patricia Clapp. Look forward to your review on this one.
Ahh The Hunger Games... I hope you love it!
Loved The Hunger Games! Glad you got it!
Also, can't wait to read Bad Girls Don't Die.
vvb32 - I agree, THG was Ah-mazing!
Haha, sounds so. I don't think I've heard of Jane-Emiy before, but I'll have to check that out.
prophecygirl - I did, ty! :)
Shalonda - I loved the Hunger Games too, super glad I got it :)
Yep, BGDD's premise sounds super-intriguing, I'm pretty excited about it.
I read Bad Girls Don't Die and I loved it! I've also heard a lot of good things about The Hunger Games!
what great books! i need to read the hunger games!! i think i may be getting a copy of Bad Girls Don't Die.... i've heard good things about it. Happy Easter!
Ooh nice books. I'm totally wanting Bad Girls Don't Die! How did you get it? =P I'd loveeeeee a copy myself. heheee.
I've wanted to read Ayn Rand for a while! It's one of my friend's favorite authors. :)
I really wanna read Bad Girls Don't Die. I'm glad it's coming out soon.
Lianne - That's reassuring :) I'm really looking forward to diving in. Haha, THG is amazing, scroll down to my previous entry to hear more great things about it ;)
Kristi - Whoa; there are others who still haven't read The Hunger Games yet?! SHOCK. haha, it's really amazing though. Ooh, that'd be cool :)
Kate - haha, this was just a lucky request ;)
Steph - Really? This was the first book of her's that I've read.
Carrie - It sounds really good, doesn't it? Yep, pretty soon now, April 21st I believe. :)
Nothing as good as you, but I'm really envious about Bad Girls Don't Die!
im gna read them :)
Sadako - BGDD is coming out really soon; April 21st! Less than week away. :) A review should be up soon.
J Legs - :)
Wow, The Chrysalids sounds really interesting, I may have to read it sometime.
bad girls dont die looks amazing.. loving this blogfyi
Rebecca - The premise does sound pretty interesting, doesn't it? ;)
Grace - Thanks! & a review of Bad Girls Don't Die is now up :)
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